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Blue Orange > ... DRAGOMINO Dragomino is the children's version of Kingdomino designed by Bruno Cathala and Marie et Wilfried Fort and illustrated by Maëva Da Silva and Christine Deschamps. Players build their ''kingdom'' and as they match different landscapes they try to collect as many eggs as possible! Explore new lands in search of fabulous dragons! How to play: Pick a domino to add to your ki…
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KINGDOMINO Dominoes with a kingdom building twist. Each turn, connect a new domino to your existing kingdom, making sure at least one of its sides connects to a matching terrain type already in play. The game mechanics for obtaining the tiles is clever: the order of who picks first depends on which tile was previously chosen. Make sure to secure tiles with crowns- these royal treasures help to mul…
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KINDOMINO DUEL Roll the dice, choose the ones you want, and put them together in pairs to create your dominoes. Domino by domino, fill in your map while entrusting the territories of your kingdom to loyal dignitaries. Gather favors from wizards in order to cast powerful spells which will allow you to rule without having to share. Kingdomino Duel is a completely independent game which preserves the…
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KINGDOMINO ORIGINS Go back in time to the prehistoric era of Kingdomino! Kingdomino Origins plays similarly to the original game but introduces new components for additional actions and new ways to score points. Regions in your territory will earn you points if they contain fire. Fire is either part of your terrains, or earned by adding dominoes with volcanoes. There are 3 game modes to play: the…
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KINGDOMINO: AGE OF GIANTS Age of Giants is an expansion for Kingdomino or Queendomino. It adds more challenges, more player interaction, and allows for a fifth player to join in on the game. Choose a tile with a giant, then add a giant meeple to your kingdom- it covers up any crown of your choosing. Choose a tile with a giant’s footsteps, then pass one giant meeple from your kingdom to another pla…
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QUEENDOMINO You are a royal, seeking new lands to expand your ever-growing kingdom. Explore and conquer the different terrains, and develop the best and richest territories for your people. Scour lands full of wheat fields, forests, grasslands, swamps, mines, and towns, diversifying your kingdom’s riches along the way. Tax the lands wisely to fund the construction of your towns, pick the buildings…