Munchkin Dungeon
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MUNCHKIN DUNGEON Deep in their subterranean lairs, monsters wander the halls, guarding their treasures. Why not kick open some doors, fight them, and take that loot for yourself? After all, if your foe turns out to be a bit too dangerous, you could always run away... but shame counts against you at the end of the game when it comes time to see who's become the most notorious adventurer of them all…
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MUNCHKIN DUNGEON: BOARD SILLY You never know what you'll come across when travelling through a dungeon, so don't be surprised if a massive hallucination changes the world from a stone-and-brick dungeon into a vast, flat plane. The same goes for if an enormous cat leaps on top of you. This expansion can and will get weird. Expansion info: Ages: 14+ Players: 2-5 Time: 60-90 mins
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MUNCHKIN DUNGEON: CTHULHU Face the horrors! This expansion introduces not only the big, tentacly Elder God himself but brand-new Room cards, outer-worldly Loot cards and Threats from another dimension. Expansion info: Ages: 14+ Players: 2-5 Time: 60-90 mins .
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MUNCHKIN DUNGEON: CUTE AS A BUTTON Just wook at da widdle evil beasties! SO CUTE!! Sure, they’re going to munch your face off, but they’re JUST SO ADORABLE!! Who could possibly complain when CuteZilla roasts them alive? It would take an outright psychopath bent on nothing but slaughter and loot to even think about raising a blade against these PRETTY LITTLE HORRORS!! Hey... doesn’t “psychopaths be…
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MUNCHKIN DUNGEON: SIDE QUEST In this expansion, a number of optional quests become open to players as they raid the dungeon... you wouldn't normally go out of your way to fulfil these annoying quests, but you'll gain levels if you do! Add some temptation to the monster-smashing of Munchkin Dungeon. Expansion info: Ages: 14+ Players: 2-5 Time: 60-90 mins .