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Funforge > ... DONUTS Donuts is a tactical game for 2 players in which your goal is to line up 5 donuts of your color vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. If the objective of victory seems easy, each action is essential to avoid giving the advantage to your opponent. Indeed, your goal is to align your donuts without giving your opponent the possibility of reversing the game by inserting himsel…
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NAMIJI In Namiji, take to the sea and discover the hidden marvels of the Japanese coast. Namiji is the new game from Antoine Bauza, set in the Tokaido universe, where you'll experience a journey of discovery of beautiful and wild marine life. Namiji is a spiritual sequel to the game Tokaido. However, it is a standalone board game. You do not need Tokaido to play Namiji. In Namiji, you are anglers…
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NAMIJI: AQUAMARINE There are many more surprises to fid in the seas of traditional Japan, even for skilled fishermen. Catch rare rainbowfish, fill up your trap with myriad new crustacean varieties and set your offerings afloat at just the right time in order to get the most out of your day at sea. Set sail for even more adventures! Expansion Info: Ages: 8+ Players: 2-5 Time: 30-45 mins
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Fun Forge > Tokaido > ... TOKAIDO - 5th Anniversary Edition Players are travelers along the 'East sea road' trying to enjoy the fullest experience of sights and experiences in this gorgeously styled and charmingly peaceful family game. A celebratory fifth-anniversary edition of the zen game of travel and discovery including new artwork. Game info: Ages: 8+ Players: 2-5 Time: 45 mins
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Funforge > Tokaido >... TOKAIDO DUO Welcome, travelers, to the Japanese island of Shikoku! In Tokaido Duo, two players take turns travelling around the smallest of Japan’s four islands. You will experience this setting through three different characters, and go through a three-faceted spiritual journey. As the pilgrim, you will visit shrines, forests, seashores, and hot springs. As the trader, you…