GMT Games
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Winner of the 2008 International Gamer Awards best two-player strategy game and nominated for numerous other awards, 1960: Making of the President is widely recognized as the best U.S. presidential election game ever published. Of course, the inspiration for this design derives from GMT's blockbuster card-driven game, Twilight Struggle. For those of you unfamiliar, in 1960: The Making of the Presi…
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Commands & Colors: Ancients allows you to re-fight epic battles of the ancient world. Here the focus is on the two rivals for power in the Western Mediterranean – Carthage and Rome. Will you, as Hannibal, triumph over larger Roman armies; or as Scipio Africanus, will you beat Hannibal with newer tactics of your own? Units in both armies can only move and fight when ordered. The command playing car…
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Commands & Colors: Napoleonics The Wars of Napoleon rules at first glance may seem more complex than other Commands & Colors games, but if you are familiar with the game system, you are only a few short steps away from taking Command. Even if you have never played before, learning the fundamentals of the game system is straightforward and will be an enjoyable endeavor. There is a wealth of subtle…
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Space Empires 4X Space Empires 4X is a game in the finest tradition of 4X space games - eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate. The game is Rich in Theme. Carriers, fighters, mines, cloaking, dreadnoughts, merchant shipping, colonization, mining, terraforming, shipyards, black holes, warp points, non-playing aliens, Doomsday Machines - everything an Epic Space Opera needs. 1-4 players eXplore the r…
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Space Empires: Close Encounters is the first expansion to Space Empires 4X. Alien races meet up close as they encounter each other for the first time in ship boarding engagements and planetary invasions with different types of ground troops. The strengths and weaknesses of each alien empire are brought out with roughly 20 unique racial abilities. The expansion takes advantage of the streamlined na…
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GMT Games > ... SpaceCorp: 2025-2300AD is a fast-playing board game in which one to four players explore and develop outer space over three eras. Each player controls an Earth-based enterprise seeking profit by driving the expansion of humanity into the Solar System and beyond. Game info: Ages: 14+ Players: 1-4 Time: 1-4 hours .
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GMT Games > ... SPACECORP: VENTURES SpaceCorp: Ventures is the first module for SpaceCorp: 2025-2300AD, the game of exploring and developing the Solar System and beyond. SpaceCorp: Ventures introduces unique enterprises via fourteen HQ mats, each putting a player in control of a different corporation, agency, or institution with its own capabilities and missions. Each HQ assigns specific start car…
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The Wars of the Roses (1453-1485) were the result of the struggle for the English crown between the Houses of Lancaster and York … both descended from the Plantagenet line … both with equal claim to the throne. By the end of the bloody struggle, both houses would be extinct and the crown grasped by the first of the Tudors. Sun of York is a card game depicting the tactical battles fought between th…
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Talon is a tactical game of space fleet combat between the Terran Confederation and the invading Talonthincanthanadu (Talon) Empire. Fleet Combat: This is a game of fleet combat. Battles with individual ships can be fought, but the game has been designed to be able to easily handle combat with fleets of 3-10 ships. The system would have to be very simple and elegant to handle that smoothly - more…