GIPF Project
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HUCH! > GIPF Project > ... GIPF GIPF is the name-giver and pioneer of GIPF project. This modern classic elevates abstract games to a new level. Two players alternate moving their pieces on the intersecting lines of the gameboard. The player who uses the best tactics and cleverly outmaneuvers his opponent wins. Game Info: Ages: 2 Players: 13+ Time: 30-60 mins
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HUCH! > GIPF Project > ... TZAAR In TZAAR, each player has three types of playing pieces: Tzaars, Tzarras, and Totts. None of the pieces can exist without the others, and all three are required to win the game. This shows the dilemma behind the game: Should you strengthen your own position or weaken your opponent instead? Game Info: Ages: 2 Players: 13+ Time: 30-60 mins
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HUCH! > GIPF Project > ... ZÈRTZ Players avail themselves of white, grey, and black marbles from a common supply and use them on a gradually shrinking playing area. By placing the marbles tactically, capturing and isolating them, players try to create valuable combinations. Only if you play the right marble at the right moment and accept tactically clever sacrifices you will have a chance to win.…
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HUCH! > GIPF Project > ... DVONN In DVONN, players stack their playing pieces as towers. Ideally, these control as many playing pieces as possible and never lose contact to the red DVONN pieces. Pieces and towers that lose contact are removed from the gameboard... which can have a devastating effect on the balance of power on the board. Game Info: Ages: 2 Players: 13+ Time: 30-60 mins
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HUCH! > GIPF Project > ... PÜNCT A good connection is worth a lot. And the first player to link two opposite sides in PÜNCT wins the game. On your turn, you either bring a new piece into play or move a piece that is already on the board. The more pieces in play, the more possibilities you have to makea connection. But beware: Each new piece also reveals your tactics! Game Info: Ages: 2 Players: 13…
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HUCH! > GIPF Project > ... YINSH Who will place rings and markers in YINSH most cleverly? And who will succeed in forming a row of five markers of his color, securing the win move-by-move and row-by-row? Game Info: Ages: 2 Players: 13+ Time: 30-60 mins
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HUCH! > GIPF Project > ... LYNGK LYNGK is the sythesis of the first 6 games of the GIPF project and the perfect epilog to the series. LYNGK is played with 48 playing pieces in 6 different colors. In the beginning, all colors are neutral and don´t belong to anybody. During the game, players need to chose 2 colors each. The objective is to build stacks that consist of 5 pieces of different colors, w…