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MINT BID A refreshingly light auction and bidding game. Compete and cooperate as you pick partners to build buildings you both bid on. Game contents: Rules, Auctioneer token, 40 mint tokens, 1 die, 4 AI cards, 30 locations cards Game info: Ages: 13+ Players: 1-6 Time: 45 mins
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MINT CONTROL A refreshingly light area control game. Competition is heating up! Keep you company in the sweet spot and don't get ushed around. Game contents: Rules, Starting player token, 25 mint tokens, 20 influence tokens, 5 action cards, 12 location cards. Game info: Ages: 13+ Players: 1-4 Time 20 mins .
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MINT COOPERATIVE A refreshingly light cooperative game. Fight against periodontal peril, with the perfect filler game to keep you engaged time and time again. Game contents: Rules, 44 mint tokens. 25 trouble cards, 11 stunt cards, 6 hero cards, 6 hero meeples, 5 villain cards, 7 town cards, 4 six-sided dice. Game info: Ages: 13+ Players: 1-4 Time: 15-30 mins .
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MINT DELIVERY A refreshingly light pick up and delivery game. Easy-to-learn with a small footprint. It's the perfect filler game to keep you engaged tie and time again. Game contents: Rules, Starting player token, 38 mint tokens, 9 location cards, 5 truck cards & tokens, 13 player ability cards, Ability key cards & tokens, 6 road condition tokens. Game info: Ages: 13+ Players: 1-5 Time: 15-30 mins…
in stock
MINT WORKS A light and straightforward worker-placement game that can fit inside a compact tin, making it perfect to take with you while travelling! Game info: Ages: 13+ Players: 1-4 Time: 10-20 mins