Renegade Game Studios
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Renegade Game Studios > ... LANTERNS: THE HARVEST FESTIVAL Lanterns: The Harvest Festival is a tile placement game set in imperial China. Players act as artisans decorating the palace lake with floating lanterns. The artisan who earns the most honor before the festival starts wins the game. Lantern’s elegant and engaging game-play by designer Christopher Chung features a unique mechanic were playe…
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Renegade Game Studios > ... PALADINS OF THE WEST KINGDOM Paladins of the West Kingdom is set at a turbulent time of West Francia's story, circa 900 AD. Despite recent efforts to develop the city, outlying townships are still under threat from outsiders. Saracens scout the borders, while Vikings plunder wealth and livestock. Even the Byzantines from the east have shown their darker side. As noble m…
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Board Games > Renegade Game Studio > ... TRAJAN 110AD - the Roman Empire is a t the height of its power under Emperor "optimus princeps" Trajan. The borders are secure and the focus turns to the interior of the empire - Rome. Seize the opportunity and gains power! By choosing the best tactics you can outmaneuver your opponents and eventually achieve victory, Game Info: Ages: 13+ Players: 2-4 Time:…
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Wayfarers of the South Tigris is set during the height of the Abbasid Caliphate, circa 820 AD. As brave explorers, cartographers and astronomers, players set off from Baghdad to map the surrounding land, waterways, and heavens above. Players must carefully manage their caravan of workers and equipment, while reporting back regularly to journal their findings at the House of Wisdom. Will you succee…