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CHESS ... TEN WAYS TO SUCCEED IN THE ENDGAME Tips for young players in the endgame in chess by Tim Onions and David Regis This book will teach young players how to play the endgame better, You will learn how to make the most of the few pieces left and how to get an extra Queen. You need to practise the basic checkmates, and this books shows you how. Tim Onions ... is a primary school teacher who r…
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CHESS ... TEN WAYS TO SUCCEED IN THE MIDDLEGAME Tips for young players in the middlegame in chess by Tim Onions and David Regis This books tells you about the heart of chess - the middlegame - in a format designed for young players. It uses large clear type and is illustrated throughout with many chess diagrams and cartoons. You will learn how to think about your position, how to spot tactics and…
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CHESS ... TEN WAYS TO SUCCEED IN THE OPENING Tips for young players in the opening in chess by Tim Onions and David Regis Have you ever looked at the start position of a chess game and wondered waht on earth to do? Or do you get bored playing the same moves game after game? This book has been written for young players who would like to play the opening better. As well as explaining the key princip…
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CHESS PUZZLES IN ONE MOVE for young players by Tim Onions and David Regis This books contains chess puzzles, sorted by theme, in a format designed for young players. Starting with checkmates and pieces that can be taken for nothing, the reader is introduced to w whole range of tactics, including forks, pins, and skewers. By working through these puzzles, and finding the next move in each position,…
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CHESS ... SCORE BOOK FOR 50 GAMES by Tiim Onions & David Regis Large clear design Explains how to write down your moves Diagram & space for comments with each game Index and space for name and other details
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CHESS - All You Need To Know Learn to play chess - and win! International master Mike Basman makes even the tricky rules seem easy, and passes on clever tips and chess secrets to help you play your way to victory!
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CHESS TACTICS FOR KIDS 50 Tricky Tactics to outwit your opponent by Murray Chandler Chess enthusiasts of all ages and levels will find this book an instructive delight. In a simple, easy-to-understand format it explains how to bamboozle your chess opponents using commonly occuring tactical motifs. The illustrative positions, all taken from real games, show the 50 Tricky Tactics that experienced ch…
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HOW TO WIN AT CHESS 10 Golden Rules to Follow by Daniel King If you are one of the thousands ofplayers who understand the rules of chess, but would like to take their game beyond the elementary stage, then this is the book for you. Channel 4 televisioon commentator Daniel King has devised a series of 'golden rules' to enable novice players to improve their game. How to Win at Chess will put you on…
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EVERYMAN CHESS IMPROVE YOUR ENDGAME PLAY by Glenn Flear In this book for players wishing to improve their endgame play, Grandmaster Glenn Flear explains the fuindamental principles which must be mastered. Taking examples from his own games and those of other players, he shows how drawn positions can be converted into victories and lost positions saved at the last moment. Explains the important pri…
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EVERYMAN CHESS IMPROVE YOUR OPENING PLAY by Chris Ward Grandmaster Chris Ward explains the important ideas behind every =major opening, unravelling among others the secrets of the Siciilian, the mysteries of the MOdern, and the fundamentals of the French. He emphasises the need to understand the key elements of each opneing rather than simply memorise a series of complicated variations which leave…
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The Usborne Guide to PLAYING CHESS This book is a basic guide for beginners of all ages. Colourful step-by-step pictures and instructions clearly and simply explain the different moves of each of the chess peices, the rules of the game, and how to play. There are chess puzzles to test your skill and help you recognize the best moves to make. Chess notation and chess words are also covered, making…
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SIMPLE CHESS TACTICS AND CHECKMATES by A.J. Gillam Once you know how to move the chess pieces and you can recognise a checkmate, what do you do next? This book takes you through the next step: to the excitig world of chess tactics. However, as in the author's book Starting Chess, the processes are explained as simply as possible with step-by-step instructions, clear diagrams, and hundreds of examp…