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GFM310 Green Stuff: Basic Epoxy 85g of "Green Stuff" Sculpting Epoxy. "Green Stuff" is a room-temperature curing epoxy/polyamide sealant in two-part tape form. It is stable in its packaged form consisting of base and curing agent side by side on release film. The base and curing agent are of contrasting colors so that when kneaded together, complete mixing is easily observed.
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GFM320 Grey Stuff: Basic Epoxy 85g of "Grey Stuff" : Hobby Epoxy. “Grey Stuff” is ideal for sculpting master miniatures (15mm – 120 mm scale). It yields superb results when used for converting and assembling models and miniatures; it’s also perfect to fill gaps in “build-up” kits. “Grey Stuff” is professionally proven to produce consistent results and stunning original sculptures.
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WARCRADLE SCENICS: GREEN STUFF 36" (~900mm) Green Stuff is a 2 part epoxy putty also known as Kneadatite (Blue/Yellow) Sculptors Epoxy Putty. It is an ideal product to sculpt miniatures, either from scratch or expanding on an existing design. Green Stuff comes in 2 parts which must be mixed together until it is a uniform shade of green. There is then a working time of around 1.30 - 2 hours before…
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WARCRADLE SCENICS: GREEN STUFF 9" (~225mm) Green Stuff is a 2 part epoxy putty also known as Kneadatite (Blue/Yellow) Sculptors Epoxy Putty. It is an ideal product to sculpt miniatures, either from scratch or expanding on an existing design. Green Stuff comes in 2 parts which must be mixed together until it is a uniform shade of green. There is then a working time of around 1.30 - 2 hours before t…
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MILLIPUT: SILVER GREY 4oz (113.4g) Pack For model making and sculpting. milliput is a versatile putty which adheres to and will seal or bond ceramics, wood, plastics, glass, metals, cement, etc. miliput can be scuplted and when set can be turned, sawn, drilled, tapped, filed, sandpapered, painted or cellulose sprayed. milliput is very responsive to water and when sculpting and modelling the use of…
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MILLIPUT: YELLOW - GREY 4oz (113.4g) Pack For model making and sculpting. milliput is a versatile putty which adheres to and will seal or bond metals, wood, wood, plastics, glass, tile, brick, cement, etc. miliput can be scuplted and when set can be turned, sawn, drilled, tapped, filed, sandpapered, painted or cellulose sprayed. milliput can be used for mould making and can be cast. WARNING! May c…
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Green Stuff The original Kneadatite (best known as Green Stuff) is used by model makers and hobbyists for conversions, filling mold lines and sculpting miniatures.