Card Game
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Android: Netrunner The Card Game Monolithic megacorps and individualistic netrunners collide in a dystopian future. Set in the gritty, cyberpunk future of Android, Android: Netrunner is a two-player Living Card Game™ that rewards skill, strategy, and just the right amount of calculated risk. In a world where corporations can scan the human mind and interface it directly with electronic data, more…
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A Study in Static “How do you visualize static? I see thieves prowling the net in slow-motion, their hacks disrupted, crawling down the paths we set before them. The greatest securities don’t stop these criminals and their progress but route them where we choose.” –H.O. Murakami, Jinteki network designs Time is relative. Time can be manipulated. As part of the Genesis Cycle, A Study in Static foc…